The Lost Cannon – Legend of Wabano
作曲者 | 下田 和輝 |
作曲年 | 2021年 |
演奏時間 | 09:00 |
グレード | 3.5 |
編成 | 中編成〜大編成 |
最小演奏人数 | 33人 |
楽譜 | 卡穠事業有限公司(出版譜) |
演奏: Con Bello Symphonic Band 狂美交響管樂團 (台湾)
指揮: 謝韋民 Hsieh, Wei-Min
Wabano Cannon, located in Panita, Hualien County, Taiwan, was originally a police post during Japanese colonial period. The cannon aimed the Bunun villages nearby as the means of surveillance. Wabano is the transition pronunciation of Vavanu in Bunun language, which refers to a place full of honey. Now the site remains only ruins of the police post. The cannon is still well preserved in the ruin, on which the number, year and the Cyrillic alphabet is recognizable. The investigation indicates that the cannon is made by Putilov Works during 1903, later deployed to the front of the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 and was captured by the Japanese then later shipped to Taiwan under Japanese rule at the time and deployed to the current location. As the retraction of Japanese after World War II, the police post is abandoned and forgotten. The 8000-kilometer journey of the cannon from Baltic sea to Taiwan highlighted the ironical and turbulent world of early 20 century.
The music is composed largely with the imagination of scenario and Montage. The music contains cross-cultural music elements and symbols that are well organized by the composer, with which the audiences are brought to the vivid scenes. The music starts with the theme of Bunun drinking song. The continuous eighth notes introduce the music atmosphere into the mysterious mountain. A nostalgic melody emerged and gradually led to a grandeur introduction. The music suddenly falls into a march that is similar to train drives.
The melody of the march reminds of the famous Soviet military march “Katyusha”. The sudden-appear dissonant chord in brass section interrupt the melody. The
trumpet call indicates the beginning of the battle, which leads the music into a chaotic and aggressive paragraph. The music portrays not only the scene of battlefield but also the confused situation of the transition between culture and space. The dramatic tension is thus built by the surreal music.
The vigorous music ended with a pray-like human voice singing, followed by an old folk tune, and then returned to the Bunun drinking song theme. The grandeur introduction is brought again but did not last long. The melody is interrupted by the mournful silence. At the end, the drinking song theme is once again emerging as if the echo from valley faraway. The piece ended up with a suspended atmosphere.
1st Flute
2nd Flute
Oboe (Opt.)
Bassoon (Opt.)
Clarinet in E♭(Opt.)
1st Clarinet in B♭
2nd Clarinet in B♭
3rd Clarinet in B♭
Bass Clarinet in B♭
1st Alto Saxophone in E♭
2nd Alto Saxophone in E♭
Tenor Saxophone in B♭
Baritone Saxophone in E♭
1st Trumpet in B♭
2nd Trumpet in B♭
3rd Trumpet in B♭
1st & 2nd Horns in F
3rd & 4th (Opt.) Horns in F
1st Trombone
2nd Trombone
3rd Trombone
Double Bass
【1st Percussion】
Suspended Cymbal
Bamboo Chimes
【2nd Percussion】
Crash Cymbals
Crash Cymbals
【3rd Percussion】
Snare Drum
【4th Percussion】
Bass Drum
【5th Percussion】
Wind Chimes
Floor Toms
【6th Percussion】